Pictures and videos

Field and lab work

RFID on Pont-Bourquin landslide, Switzerland

RFID on Valloire landslide, France

RFID on Harmalière landslide, France

RFID for crack detection on an unstable rock compartment in Eastern France

RFID tag characterization @LCIS, Valence

Installing GNSS network to monitor displacements of the Vescorn quarry. Géolithe.

Installing a total station to monitor the Pas de l'Ours landslide, Queyras, France. Géolithe.

Roads don't last forever. Pas de l'Ours landslide, Queyras, France. Géolithe.


Simple interview about our R&D on RFID at Géolithe. @Forum 5i, 2021.

Forum 5i 2021. Article about Géolithe on l'Essor

Exhibition Les Mondes Inconnus @Museum de Grenoble, 2018-2019

Exhibition Les Mondes Inconnus @Museum de Grenoble, 2018-2019. Le Petit Bulletin.

Music is another passion

Playing «Sur les chemins de la Bohème», La Rue Kétanou. With the accordion and the fantastic view of Canyonland, Utah, USA.

My first and unique track recorded on an album ! With Divina Supernova band, from Maceio, Brasil.

My best (and modest) concert at Dom Kulturi, Minsk, Belarus.

Opening of the Recife Carnaval, Brasil.